Driver Israel med folkemord i Gaza? Her på bloggen har jeg flere ganger skrevet om dette, og konkludert med at det i så fall må være verdenshistoriens mest talentløse folkemord. Tross de åpenbare mangler ved denne uhyrlige påstanden, leser vi stadig i media om The International Court of Justice (ICJ) i Haag og dens konklusjoner. For eksempel skriver en stortingsrepresentant:
Saken ble fremmet for ICJ i desember i fjor. I januar konkluderte domstolen med at et folkemord er sannsynlig og påla Israel å ta alle grep for å sikre at et folkemord ikke får finne sted, og rapportere jevnlig på det.
“We think [the ICJ finding] makes it clear that it is plausible that genocide is taking place against the Palestinian people in Gaza. This necessarily imposes an obligation on all states to cease funding and facilitating Israel’s military actions.”
1. “I have
released all restraints”.
2. “We are
fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly.”
3. “Gaza won’t
return to what it was before. We will eliminate everything. If it doesn’t take
one day it will take a week”
2. “You saw what we
are fighting against. We are fighting human animals. This is the Isis of Gaza.
This is what we are fighting against…”
3. “Gaza won’t return
to what it was before. There will be no Hamas. We will eliminate everything. If
it doesn’t take one day, it will take a week, it will take weeks or even
months, we will reach all places.”
Ved å fjerne det Gallant uttaler seg om, nemlig terror-organisasjonen Hamas, blir uttalelsene generelle trusler og ikke spesifikke mot Hamas. Det er bare ved å overse hva han snakker om, at dette kan brukes som "bevis." Nå skjønner nok sikkert Sør-Afrika at de ikke kommer til å vinne i retten. Det er propagandakrigen de skal vinne, og der lykkes de ved hjelp av godtroende hjelpere også her i Norge.
Også andre uttalelser burde kunne klargjøre hva Gallant faktisk mener, og hvem som er den egentlige fienden. 27. oktober i fjor sa han, mens han oppfordret alle sivile nord i Gaza å evakuere, at: “We are not fighting the Palestinian multitude and the Palestinian people in Gaza.” Disse, og flere sitat, kan sjekkes via denne lenken.
Så hva er poenget med dette gjennomskuelige, men akk så effektive, jukset? Jeg har selv antydet at det tjener land som Iran, Kina og Russland - land Sør-Afrika har stadig tettere forbindelser med. I alle fall er det victim blaming der ofre for en ugjerning gjøres ansvarlig for den. Eller som Howard Jacobson skriver, via John Gray:
“It has long been known,” he wrote in his book Straw Dogs, “that those who perform great acts of kindness are rarely forgiven. The same is true of those who suffer irreparable wrongs. When will Jews be forgiven the Holocaust?” That [is a] deeply disturbing question, to which the implicit answer is a terrifying “Never!”
Så hvorfor skjer dette? Jacobson treffer igjen spikeren på hodet:
There is a sadistic triumphalism in charging Jews with genocide, as though those making it feel they have their man at last. The sadism resides, specifically, in attacking Jews where their memories of pain are keenest. By making them now the torturer and not the tortured, their assailants wrest their anguish from them, not only stealing their past but trampling on it.
Show that Jews intend a final solution on someone else, and we can fancy a retrospective justice to have been at work – the Jews being punished for a crime they were yet to commit. Call this Holocaust annulment.
Sitatjukset har en hensikt, og den tjener nazister, islamister og andre anti-humanister. Det er forkastelig!
Judge Sebutinde also made this interesting observation: “It was brought to the attention of the Court that South Africa, and in particular certain organs of government, have enjoyed and continue to enjoy a cordial relationship with the leadership of Hamas. If that is the case, then one would encourage South Africa as a party to these proceedings and to the Genocide Convention, to use whatever influence they might wield, to try and persuade Hamas to immediately and unconditionally release the remaining hostages, as a goodwill gesture. I have no doubt that such a gesture of goodwill would go a very long way in defusing the current conflict in Gaza.” That the court chose not to order South Africa to do so, is telling, particularly since the court had specifically recorded that it had the power to issue orders other than those requested by the parties. If there is one thing which would bring hostilities to an end it is the release of the hostages.
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